Sunday, September 11, 2005

The New Orleans Saints have touched me...

Today is opening day for the NFL. I am so excited. I have been watching ESPN since 9am. On ESPN they did a special on the New Orleans Saints and all that they have been through. I was so touched when they showed the players back in New Orleans buying all kinds of needed supplies for the people still there. One player even helped a man buy a replacement engagement ring for his fiance. These players have been through so much and are still expected to go out and play football and do good. At first I thought they are going to probably have a bad season, however after watching the special I now think they are going to go out and play there hearts out for their town and have a great season. They're in the same division as the Bucs so I hope they aren't that good, but I will be routing for them to do good.


vbkim said...

I'll bet the people of N.O. were so happy they won.

Shannon said...

They probably were. I'm not from there and I was.

Go Bucs!!