Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Learning to kick some ass.......

I've decided it has been 6 months since I had my baby and it's time for me to get back in shape and lose the rest of that baby fat. So, to get back in shape I decided to start taking a kick boxing/pilates class once a week. Boy have I learned just how out of shape I really am. After 5 minutes I am huffing and puffing and about to pass out.... Yeah I end up being in a lot of pain for the next couple of days after the class but I have learned a few lessons and it has only been 2 weeks; 1. It is a great workout and will kick my ass back into shape, 2. It will teach me how to kick my mans ass, or any other mans ass for that matter. He'll learn not to F with me in a few weeks when I have learned all the moves needed to put him on the ground in pain. I can't wait....


WordWhiz said...

Wow...that sounds cool. And far better exercise than working that XBox joystick!

Personally, now that the weather in the northeast has finally improved, I thought it would be a good idea to have the car washed.

mcgibfried said...

yes.. you are shaping up quite nicely!

Geekbird said...

VIVA LA MCG'S WIFE!!!!!! MIIIILFFFF!!! Maybe I shouldn't have said that...for one, i dont know what she looks like and two, McG might start a war with me...i'm a peaceful bird (like a dove)

Geekbird said...

You'll need an official Project GB title...Your hubby is "Royal Pimp/Spitter of Mad Rhymes"...If he's royal pimp that makes you...umm...i dunno.

mcgibfried said...

royal ho!

Busty Wilde said...

Yeah, that's not disrespectful or anything. ;)

In response to your post, I too love kickboxing and pilates. At first I had a little trouble with the cardio, but after I got into it - wow! I feel stronger, more confident, and people know not to mess with me.

Zombie_Flyboy said...

Hi Mcg's wife.

mcgibfried said...

i'll mess with you! so watch it, buster!

Paige said...

Welcome Mrs. McG! I've got ya blogrolled!

Anonymous said...

hey there came by the MR. All I say is don't get Carmen's fitness tape, it's rigged!

geezer squeezer! said...

sister,dont be whippin that boys ass,he even said in a post once that he even LIKES you a bit,sometimes.

floatingwild said...

milf and proud- mrs. mcg we aughta' start a club.

True Jersey Girl said...

Hey there...McG sent me over to check you out. My daughter is now 17 months and I am still trying to kick those extra pounds. I do love kickboxing though - its fun and makes you feel strong!

naughtygirl said...

lmao. sounds like fun. i was thinking about taking some classes as well as going to the gym. i have an army man boyfriend, and i would love nothing better to beat him in one fight!! just not asking for

i am a blog buddy of mcg's. he sent me,but i will come back again

Shannon said...

wordwhiz... i agree working out is way better than playing with the X-box joy stick

geekbird.... thanks for the welcome. I will try to help you give me a GB title.

MCG.... i am not a royal ho, but thanks, love you anyway!!!

bustywilde.. yeah the cardio is kicking my butt, but I will get better over time. (at least i hope i do)

zombie flyboy and paife.. thanks for the welcome and welcome to the site, I hope you come back to visit

Mrs Mogul... thanks for visiting, i will make sure to stear clear of Carmen's video

Shannon said...

geezer squeezer... i won't really kick his ass, i love him to much to do that.

floatingwild..lets get the club going. i am sure there are many people that would love to join.

simply complicated... i will keep that combo in mind. it's probably the easiest one to do, but i don't know that it would provide much of a workout.

truejerseygirl.. so many people say it is super easy to lose those extra pounds, but for me it has been very difficult. it probably doesn't help that i haven't been doing anything until now.

jerzee.. i know what you mean. ik don't have an army man but i would love to just win in one wrestling match. i'm always getting my ass kicked and i am sick of it

Thanks again to you all for visiting. i hope you keep coming back and I will have MCG link all of you since i am computer illiterate.

Madame D said...

Oh, I hate the people who go back to skinny instantly! The Boy is almost 6 YEARS...though, it's not all his fault. He's only responsible for about 20 lbs. His daddy's responsible for about 40, though...I should give it back to him.

Janet said...

Welcome to the Mrs.! Beware, blogging can be very addictive...

Shannon said...

madame d... i know what you mean, i am sure the baby isn't responsible for all of it. but i think daddy gained some weight during the pregnancy too.

janet.. thanks, i am already learning just how addicting it can be.