Thursday, May 19, 2005


That lovely tropical storm headed for the Carribean. It's kind of odd that there is already a tropical storm out there and it's not even hurricane season yet. I hope this isn't a sign that we are going to have another crazy hurricane season. After last year, living in Florida isn't all that wonderful. We lost our power 2 different times last year for a few days each time, which means going to live with relatives until we get our power back on. We also had to replace the carpet in our family room due to water getting in the house. Man what a shitty hurricane season it was. Not quite ready for it to start up again, but what can you do....


WordWhiz said...

I work for an insurance company and our bonus is tied to certain figures which are heavilly dependent upon Mother Nature. Trust me, we follow hurricane season VERY CLOSELY!!

Busty Wilde said...

Damn, and I'm about to leave for the Caribbean on Saturday. Grrr.

Busty Wilde said...

Oooh, I'm always prepared for that.

WordWhiz said...

Recommendation for all female bloggers. Hofzinser is doing a series of posts entitled: "Why Do Men...?" He's taken questions from readers (he'll accept more) and answering them through entertaining and incredibly informative little stories. It's a MUST READ!

WordWhiz said...

Oops, forgot the link:

Shannon said...

busty wilde.. have fun on your trip, hope you have good weather and an even better time

wordwhiz..thanks for the info on that series, i will make sure to check it out.

fistingchamp.. we are always prepared to get wetter

Madame D said...

"But what can you do..."

...not live in Florida.
...have a "Blast from the Past" style bomb shelter. in fear.
...take up surfing.

Hope these help!